Summer Camps
Every year for the past nine years, we have been conducting a high school summer camp for the marine sciences and/or climate change and the oceans. This has only been possible through a strong partnership with the Department of Science and Technology Science Education Institute (https://www.facebook.com/DOSTSEIScienceCamp/). Each year, we've reached out to about 40 boys and girls and 20 teachers from public high schools and shared with them a literally and figuratively immersive experience from which they can get a deeper understanding of the importance of the oceans in our lives, especially here in an archipelagic country.

2016 Climate Science Youth Camp

TEDx Talk
A TEDxXavierSchool: "Marine Biologist Aletta Yñiguez brings to light the invisible world of plankton; how they support and affect us in ways most are not aware of. She breaks down their contribution to fisheries and harmful algal blooms, and how various disciplines, such as Computer Science & Biology, can be used to help sustain the health of the oceans and fisheries. Yñiguez shares how she connected to this ocean world despite her childhood fear of the sea — and requests us to establish our own connection so we can better protect our oceans."
Other Outreach Activities
BiOME has also taken in high school interns interested in the marine sciences. These interns did this as part of their on-the-job-training or their thesis.
People in the lab have also been part of other educational activities organized by various institutions such as exposure trips of schools to the Institute, lectures in various schools, and the Science Explorer (a mobile interactive learning facility by the DOST-SEI).